You could apply Imidacloprid (bonide annual gub beater) in July and water it in the ground...The beetles lay eggs and they become grubs for next year...................or Milky spore all season.....will not hurt earthworms....apply 2 to 3 times a year water it in.....both need 1 inch of water to get to the grass root system.....Milky sprore.....mix is very also could get a beetle trap..................put it down wind from your plants to draw them to it............when the bags fill up.....tie it tight and I lay it in a sunny place and the bag & trash it. I don't know the name of it but there is a rose spray at the lawn & garden section. That could work for this year until you do a grub control Your lawn & garden store might have some other product that controls grubs..............wear old clothes, gloves, hat, goggles & mask when applying chemicals................keep children & pets away from this under the ground is dry. When we had the chickens we never had bugs. We are going to get some baby spring. This year has been the worst year for bugs.