1. Do not use Borax for ant control in lawns and gardens!
Borax will kill the grass where applied, and will kill flowers and shrubs.
Read contents on containers if the ant poison is a white powder, if it contains borax
it only will kill ants if they eat it, but wiil kill all plants to which powder is applied.
2. Household White Vinegar did not work to kill or discourage ants if used
full strength. Ants simply walk through the vinegar puddle and out the other side!
3. Cornmeal only works if ants ingest it when mixed with borax.
4. Cinnamon is not an ant repellant, it does not work on our ants, they walk through it.
5. I tried boiling water in ant piles in my lawm, even took the sod out first, then poured 3 pails
of boiling water into the about 1 square foot hole in the lawn, It killed all the ants visible in the hole.
However the next day my grass had turned white around the hole and more ants where back to excavate
new holes in the mud. I figured out the reason: Throw 1 shovel full of dirt into a pail full of boiling water,
then you can put your hand in without scalding. There is a whole back yard full of cool soil where my
ant pile is and 3 pails of boiling water poured into it will be luke warm before the water gets down
to where the ants actually live.