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My Moon flower has grown 10 ft tall and is trying to take over. Can I prune a Moon Flower Vine before it blooms? Can I cut them? Can I redirect them? They are getting more twistted as we speak.

by Seedling (160 points)

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3 Answers

They love zone 10 to 12 they are tropical flower from July 4 to frost............

did you mulch & fertlize it when planted....if nothing flowers......I would trim it back and give it some liquid fertilizer.................we still have summer time left and good luck with this night blooming plant.
by Master Gardner (152k points)
Thank you so much for the answer. i rremoved the vines that were taking over the fence, untangled as many as I could then talked to it, Sge had buds. Im afraid I out it shock now. I did this for the trumpet vines and they are doing great hanging down. I have to stay on top of them though. I hope the moon flowers dont mind their adjusted growing place. They were taking over the tree, I will try try the liquid fertilizer. Any suggestions?

I  don't think it is good for the tree to let something grow up it..................I would try to train it to a trellace or something not living.   see if you can untangle it on a dry cool day and get it on something else.
by Master Gardner (152k points)
I would use composted horsemanure.......ph 6.1-6.5 mild acidic..............don't over water, when it does flower, save seeds for next year.    Also will grow well on a trellis.

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