might be too much rain......you could mix this when the sun goes down...1 teasp liquid hand soap & 1 qt water...................use a spray container and spray all the leaves and use a fly squatter and gently lift the leaves without breaking the vine & spray under them and the ground around them. There are night bugs that come out and they can be seen....then they go back into the soil......................after the growing season is over..........pull everything out and bag & trash them................put lime and old cow or horse manure in and use a cultivator and mix it in.............the lime sweetens the soil and the manure helps thing grow well next year.......we also added hay & mulch to amend the soil. I don't like using chemicals. We stay as chemical free as possible.....when you do pick you fruits....................you can wash them off with either a salt cold water mix.....for things like lettuce, broccoli & cauliflower...............or with solid fruits like tomatoes or cucumbers a water vinegar wash is also good.