she has a chunk missin from her left back foot, it seems to have been about 1 or 2 days ago she got attacked, and she probly struggled making her way back to the house, we found her in the garage and it smelt like it was rotting, we keep putting charcole on the wound to suck the infection out so she doesnt get gang green, or any other infections and were hoping it will heal.
But i just recently noticed that her pinky toe is only hanging on by a little peice of skin..
Im wondering if her foot and her toe will heal? or is it better off to just put her down?
I love her so much, shes the best outdoor pet ive ever had and I really would like to find any possible way to fix her toe , aswell as the woon..
I think charcole will suck the infections out and heal it over, but i dont know if a toe can heals itself back on to the foot.. please help.