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I have wasps that swarm around by backyard tree just around dusk.  My daughter wants to have a camp out and I'm concerned because I'm not sure how long they hold out?  I never see it during the day.

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2 Answers

You can make a homemade wasp trap using a bucket of soapy  water, some string, a stick and a small piece of fruit.  Tie the string around the fruit and then tie the other end to the center of the stick. Place the stick across the bucket from one side to the other so that the fruit hangs a few inches the surface of the soapy water.  Wasps will be attracted to the fruit, land on it and as they try to fly away they will fall into the water.  Place this in the area where the wasps are a problem. Empty the bucket every so often.


Let me know how it works.  Take pictures and post them if you can so other people can see.
You did not mention if this is a fruit tree or non fruit tree.

Wasps are too dangerous to have around..................I would get sevin early morning or after the sun has passed the tree you could mix up what the container says for that kind of tree...........wear long clothes, a hat, goggles, gloves and a face mask...keep children and pets away from this tree until it is dry.  You might need to do this several times in the month.  As I am typing this....you know that wasps make hives in the tree or in a tree hole..............maybe you can get someone to check it.....it someone camps near there they need to use a screened in tent..............if this is a big tree you are going to need a professional sprayer..........one of those big semi clear containers with a pump is good....the tip is adjustable.
by Master Gardner (152k points)
I was just thinking again about your situation with these wasps.....any chance that you have an outside light in that area that is drawing them.......................they do have yellow bulbs that keep bugs away.  I remember when I found this hugh wasp nest that I had to wait until it was totally dark and used the flashlight to get close to the spot but they will come out of the hive and attack......you might carefully look and see if you also have a hive hiding there somewhere....I sprayed that hive 3 nights in a row..............then I had a ladder and a big plastic bag when the weather was freezing.......and dropped it in the bag and burned it in the barn stove.

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