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My plant hasn't bloomed; it has beautiful leaves, and I have good climate for it. I don't think I'm watering it too much, but I do not want to lose this plant. Help, if you can.

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2 Answers


How to Care for a Tibouchina Plant

Known as the princess flower, Tibouchina plants grow beautiful, eye-catching purple flowers with yellow stamens, hence its name. The plant grabs the attention of passersby and gardeners alike. The plant is native to Brazil, loving warm temperatures and humid air. With proper care and the right conditions, this tropical beauty can brighten up your garden

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Hose or watering can
  • Fertilizer
  • Rake or shovel
  • Pruning shears


Provide as much sunlight as possible for the Tibouchina plant. Because it is a tropical plant, it thrives best in warm, direct sunlight. Trim any overhanging branches or trees to prevent the plant from sitting in the shade.

Water the plant so that the soil maintains even moisture. Provide the plant with 1 inch of water per week. If possible, use warm water. Do not water after a heavy rainfall, as you risk damaging the flowers with too much water.

Mix water-soluble fertilizer into the soil every two weeks during the growing season. Alternatively, you can apply a slow-release fertilizer formula in the early spring each year. Mix the fertilizer into the soil using a rake or shovel.

Prune any damaged or obtrusive branches in early spring before the flowers begin to show.

Inspect the plant upon each watering for signs of any pest infestations or irregularities due to infections. Like any plants, Tibouchina are susceptible to bug and mite infestations, as well as plant diseases. Treatments vary depending on the type of infestation or disease. Consult with an expert at your local garden center or nursery for treatment advice.

Tips & Warnings

The Tibouchina plant grows best in Hardiness Zone 11, according to the Arbor Day Foundation. This zone has an average annual minimum temperature between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Thoroughly read all directions and warnings on pesticides and fertilizers before applying to your plant.


by Master Gardner (33.2k points)
after the sun passes..........mix 1 teasp liquid hand soap and 1 qt water and spray....sounds like some bugs are eating.................and under the leaves and around the soil where the plant is sitting............this is a tropical plant
by Master Gardner (152k points)

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