That's the best fruit to grow. Use dormant oil in the fall after the leaves drop off.......I don't like to use a lot of chemicals but the fall one smothers any bugs that laid eggs. If you live in a windy area. You might need to stake it with a rubber ring holding the tree in place........and we make a homemade chicken wire fence to keep the deer from racking the tree with their antlers...added another post and secured it between or around the 2 posts..............don't weed wack near the bottom or it will kill the tree....pull those weeds out by the fall, ring the bottom about 18 inches from center with some lime...........and also some very old cow or horse manure, Don't expect any or many peaches this year. Next year will be better....Each year they double, they like full sun. You might need to plant two for polination and depending on which one dwarf or tall...............they get big and needs lots of room to ventilate between trees and rows of trees