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I have repotted a fairly large bougainvillea which is on my deck. Every winter I have to bring it in as it won't survive the cold in Ontario, Canada. How do I treat it for bugs. I don't want little flies hatching out of the soil in my home.

Also, if you think it would survive in my garage, which gets down to 30 below C, please let me know. I'd rather not have it in the house if at all possible.



Belleville, ON

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2 Answers

I live in the middle of the USA in Oklahoma. I have to store my bougainvillea in the back of the garage during the winter but we rarely get to 20 degrees below zero here. In Canada, I would think the pot would need extra insulation to survive. Last year I had 3 in a long pot and only the middle one survived this past winter. The two on each end was the insulation the middle one needed to survive. I leave it on the patio until the first freeze causes it to loose most of the leaves, then I cut it back to 7 or 8 inches before storing. Good luck!
by Planter (340 points)
I was successful in killing a little dark fly infestation by using a white fly remedy of 50/50 solution water and rubbing alcohol. You spray this onto the plant and onto the surface of the soil. Repeat every 5 days until not necessary.

Good luck!

London, ON Canada
Thanks; while I have not had any problem this winter indoors, I will give this a try when necessary in future.
Best answer to date.

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