I live in Tucson Arizona and want to grow an Avacado Tree in our community area which is very lush and full of friut tress and plants. It is a boxed in area which means there are buildings on all sides with narrow walkways entering into the center common area! We have pears, apples, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, nectarines, peaches, tangerines, pomagranites, a mulberry tree, figs, and many more non-fruit bearing trees and shrubs.
I want to grow Avacodos! I had previuosly started growing one in at a prior property that I owned but the leaves had gotten burned during peak heat and I think it dies in the winter! This time I want to be well educated and be prepared for success! I believe in this new area, I should be able to accomodate requirements of protection needs fro Tucson's arid environment> Can you help me get the info I need for this very specific task? Thanks in advance.