First of all, thank you for serving our country and sorry to hear that you are disabled.
We use composted horsemanure around the plants and some lime. Ph should be 6.0-8.0.
I would cut off the curled leaves, keep a little plastic shopping bag with you and put them in the bag. They have long-handled claws that make it easier to cultivate under the roses...............Bayer has a new spray........or you could wait until the sun goes over and they cool off and mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & tap water and spray. This has been a very bad year for roses. You also can use a little mulch over the composted manure and water from the bottom don't spray the leaves. In the fall trim them down for the winter, if you get under 0 degrees you might want to have someone stop over and help you do some old hay or straw to keep the roots from freezing. We lost 5 rose bushes this spring.