For cucumbers, you can put strings in the dirt in the pot and tie them up 6 to 8 ft from the pot to a nail or hook somewhere up.......they will grow up on on it..............For the tomatoes use a cage on the plant and it will grow up thru the cage and picking is easy. The hot peppers should be in it own pot and away from the tomatoes....................they will grow up with any also can grow green beans or lima beans with seperate strings....same way with strings.....if you have a square area you can take the strings around 3 sides and give you some shade & also can grow herbs in one of those hanging on the wall bags and parsley comes back every year. If it does not get too cold where you are you even can grow strawberries in a special pot and cover it with berlap in the winter. I also have seen some flat containers for walls at Walmart, Home Depot & Lowe's.............some $ stores have different pots...............I you know someone who has an old wheelbarrow you can grow sweet potatoes or white potatoes..............have can grow some corn in a deep container.....................Make sure pot has a weep hole in the bottom, some little stones, use that new vitamin soil every year................Happy Spring. Sometimes might need extra lime...test your soil to see what the base line is...........tomatoes need 5.5-7.5, cucumbers6.0-8.0- peppers6.0-6.5....sweet peppers 5.0-6.0....potatoes sweet need 5.0-6.0 other need 4.8-6.5