Oh very much so! Sorry you have them, now to kill them without harming your plant.
1). Mix 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil with 4 oz of water. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and place in Frig.
2). Mix 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder with 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder (not soda) with 6 oz of water. No need to place in spray bottle or chill.
3). Mist your plant with (1) above, lightly, you only need to do it maybe three times. Make sure the mist is cold to the touch. If its too warm it will not work. Mealy bugs thrive of cool to cold liquid, the vegetable oil that you mixed in will kill their eggs and cause their reproductive organs significant problems to assure no second generation.
4). After you have misted the plant, pour 2 oz of (2) above in the soil surrounding the plant, but not within 1 1/2" to 2" of the stem. This will allow the roots to suck up the mixture, and will assist the plant to begin repair of the damage thus far wrecked by the Mealy Bugs.
5). You should notice a significant difference within one week after application. If the problem subsists, prepare another application of the same. -Birdy