I have ordered iris from a grower in Southern Ontario in August 1st and paid for them at that time and have not received them by this date of October 28th. When I ordered them they gave me a shipping date of Mid October . I have contacted them several times during the last two weeks asking about my iris. They keep advising me by e-mail that they giving me an approxl. shipping date. The date keeps getting further and further away. Now the last date is Nove 7 to 14th. I am worried that I will not be able to plant them. I advised them our ground is frozen to5" now as we have had a lot of rain and extreme cold (-6 - 9) and am worried that it will be too late as I have not received them yet. The last time I called them was October 18th and they said they understood and they told me that they would put a rush on them and ship priority post. Priority Post takes three days. This is the 28th and now they by e-mail advise me the shipping date is as I mentioned October 28 to November 14th. I feel I cannot plant them in snow. Is this normal or is there something wrong?
Ruby Trudel 705-474-4338 e-mail: ruby_trudel 37.cogeco.ca