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I brought this ivy from the mountains and planted around trees and it has completely taken over

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3 Answers

You have to pull that out.....it will pull your trees over......Ivy will also pull out the pointing (cement) between bricks on home and foundations.
by Master Gardner (152k points)
If there are no other plants besides the trees and the trees bark is intact try this:

Use your weed wacker to cut up the edges of the ivy.  Nothing fancy, just make some cuts.  then spray with Roundup.  The cutting lets the Roundup penetrate the cells of the ivy leaves.  You may have to do this two or three times-it just depends on how well you cut the ivy edges and sprayed the Roundup.  Don't do this on a breezy day as the Roundup will kill all vegetation it touches.
by Master Gardner (13.7k points)
we bought a house three yrs ago with ivy in the front yard andgrew to hate it!  researched it a lot and we had an escavator rip it out.  Now as it sprouts back up we cut it and spray roundup..better yet apply with a squeeze bottle.  Any time you see green shoots cut it and apply roundup APPLY WITHIN ONE MIN OF YOUR CUT .  It exudes a liquid to protect itself fast. Research I read said to do this while it is dormant oct-april I think....but we started three four months ago and Im glad we did.  Dont mess around with this stuff and get started asap.  Ivy will grown into your basement into your water lines and sewer......and mice and rats and giant spiders live in ivy.... get your self to canadian tire and get yourself some gloves and pruners and roundup and start now!


good luck.  i spent 20 hrs pulling this vile weed out and then we hired machines to come and do it for us...took them an hour to do what would have taken me years to do...and my hands and wrists thank me for it.

oh and  make sure you let it sit on plastic tarp and die...it is easily spread with seeds and the birds and can replamt itself.  Also you have to cut the vines with a knife ( on trees) and cut a bit chunk out as it will reattach itselfg
Ivy looks nice but it comes with my problems and lots of work to get rid of it anyone with this problem has to start the project as soon as the snow goes away.  My neighbor had to replace windows in her basement and repair her foundation from damage caused by ivy, it grew right thru the window casing into her basement that was 10 ft below the ground

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